No. 203

OSB Logo The Old St Beghian
  July 2023


Cumbria Dinner – Fri 9th Feb 2024,
Armathwaite Hall, Bassenthwaite

The Cumbria Dinner and Gathering will take place on Friday 9th February 2024, 7.00 for 7.30 pm at Armathwaite Hall, Bassenthwaite Lake, Keswick.

Husbands, wives and partners are most welcome.

The cost will be £36.00 pp and will include a champagne reception on arrival with live background music and a magnificent three course meal with wine on the table. Our private room is non-smoking and smart attire is requested whilst dining in the evening. Jeans, t-shirts and trainers are not permitted. Smart casual is most acceptable.

Accommodation is available at the reduced rate of £250.00 (normal price £355.00) and this includes breakfast and the use of facilities. A list of other local hotels is available.

Please book your accommodation directly with the hotel. Your contact is Leeann and her email is or tel+44 17687 88909.

Please book your meal with me - cheques or BACS payments must be received as soon as possible to confirm reservation and guarantee a place. This event is likely to be oversubscribed. (If you cancel before Friday 19th January 2024, you will receive a full refund).

Cheques should be made payable to: “West Cumbria Branch OSBC” and sent to:
Darryl Davies, 5 Marlborough Avenue, High Harrington, Workington, CA14 4NW.

BACS payment Sort Code: 01-09-54, Acc No: 83707689. Please add your name if paying by BACS.

Contact for further info: or 07970 180751.



The St Beghian Society    
St Bees School,    St Bees,    Cumbria,    CA27 0DS

Tel: (01946) 828093     
Email:      Web:

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